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Our community expresses its solidarity through the following social program:

“first aid”: We try to attend  the most basic needs (food and clothing) and urgent needs of people who request it, we work in coordination with Sabadell's social services.
We have a food and clothing distribution service every Wednesday at 5pm.

“ministry in prisons”: Our goal is to offer spiritual and social care to inmates in penitentiary centers and their families.

We also have some ideas to develop in the future in relation to:

  1. Values in sport: aimed at the youngest to promote values through sport.

  2. +DE 60: project to promote a leisure space for the elderly.

  3. Family economy: educational project aimed at families with problems to cover their basic needs.


If you would like to get involved in these projects, contact us:

we want to help you

we need volunteers

How can we help?




Need help?

You can contact us.

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